Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 6 Clean Eating Challenge Group

Day 6 Let's talk labels! The easiest way to eat clean is to choose foods from nature, fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, dairy, and meats. But you will find times that you will need to purchase pre made items. This is when you will want to look at the labels. Before I ever started "eating clean" I saw a tv show called "How It's Made" and it was showing how spaghetti was made. I was shocked to learn that the only thing required to make spaghetti was wheat. That's it, one ingredient! That was about 4 or 5 years ago and that's when I started reading labels and questioning what was in the food and why! Here are some examples of clean and not clean spaghetti and sour cream. Now it's not required that the food only have one ingredient but you want to make sure that the ingredients that are in it are 1. necessary 2. real food!


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